Surf fishing is a fun activity where you fish on the surf. The surf is the part of the beach where the waves are breaking. Something great about surf fishing is that you get to go out into the water while doing it and be on the beach. Surf fishing can be more dangerous than other types of fishing, When surf fishing you use larger sinkers, (up to 6 ounces) and larger hooks, and may be handling bigger more dangerous fish. You should always make sure when surf fishing that your hooks and line a far enough away from other beachgoers and be careful while casting. There are so many different kinds of fish you could pull out of the surf, from bluefish to kingfish, As long as you know what you are doing and the fish are biting, you can catch any type of fish in your region. When surf fishing there are many different types of rigs you could use, Certain rigs have 1 hook and some rigs have 5 hooks and each is designed for certain types of fish. When fishing in saltwater there are also many bait choices, you could use live bait, artificial bait, or chopped-up dead fish such as bunker. For live bait, you could use live baitfish or bloodworms which can be very messy, and bloodworms can bite. For artificial baits, the best bait to use is probably Fishbites which are little strips of bait that imitate live bait. I recommend Fishbites because they have a mesh in the middle which helps it stay on the hook.
All of the gear you need is right here:
Start with the Carolina Surf Fishing Rig
Carolina Rig Surf Fishing Rig Description
Start with this surf fishing rig for your first 10 casts. Make short casts. Use a small hook, small bait, and a half-ounce egg sinker. Switch to a heavier weight sinker if your line is being moved around by the surf.
Carolina Surf Fishing Rig Shopping Links
Mustad Croaker Hooks on Amazon and Flourocarbon Leaders on Amazon if you want to tie your own leaders -or-
Kahle hooks with pre-tied leaders on Amazon if you don’t want to tie your own leaders. Use a snap swivel with these, instead of a barrel swivel.

The Carolina Surf Fishing Rig is a great way to start every surf fishing trip because the egg weight slips on the line, allowing you to get a great feel for the surf and a feel for the fish nibbling on your bait. First you will get to know the rise and fall of the surf, so you recognize the difference when a fish hits your bait. Do you feel “nibble fish” steeling your bait? Is your bait getting caught in rocks and weeds? Is there no action and it is time to make a change? The Carolina rig is great for catching several kinds of fish all day long, but it gives you a good feel for any changes you might need to make for a successful day of fishing.
Best Salt Water Artificial Bait
Fish Bites Artificial Bait
Fish Bites are phenomenal bait. Fish go nuts for the tiniest piece of Fish Bites. Cut a worm-sized chunk of the artificial worm and hook it on your hook two or three times. If a fish is in the area, it will probably strike. Not only are fish irresistibly attracted to this bait, but the bait stays on the hook incredibly well and it is much cleaner than worms or other live bait.
Okuma SST Surf Fishing Pole
Our expert outdoor guides picked the Okuma SST as the best pole to hit the surf because it’s incredible 8 foot 6 inch length will make it easy to make big casts, but it’s lightweight tip and “action” will give you a great sense of touch as you learn to feel fish nibbling and hitting your bait.
Our experts agree that you cannot go wrong with the Penn Battle III reel for surf fishing. This reel gives you the best retrieve speed and fantastic durability of any comprably priced reel on the market. While this reel looks like a futuristic gem, don’t be fooled: it is rugged as heck inside and out. It is designed to take a beating fighting fish and fighting the saltwater surf.
Best Sinkers for Surf Fishing
Pyramid sinkers are the best for surf fishing because they have a sharp point to sink into the sand. They come in various sizes, but the 4-ounce size is usually the best because they “hold bottom” in most conditions, and they have enough weight to give you a good, far cast.
It doesn’t take an expert to realize this: you will want a rod holder to give you a hand while fishing. This handy device holds the pole and line tight so you can relax your arms and watch for the fish. It’s also super helpful to hold your pole while you bait your hook. Just jab it into the sand. Don’t head to the surf without it.
Besides the awesome action catching fish, one of the best things about surf fishing is the view. Make sure you have a chair to sit back and enjoy it!
More Fishing Guides >
Our guide will set you up with simple rigs to master any condition for surf fishing fun